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Throttle Calibration

The throttle range in different Radio system is also different. In certain Radio system, the throttle range is not corresponding to the ESC throttle range. If this can not match, you may encounter two problems.

  1. You can’t arm (start) the ESC
  2. You can reach its maximum power when the throttle stick is already in its upper top position.

At this moment, you need to re-calibrate your ESC to match its throttle range to the transmitter you are using.

Here is the procedure to reset the throttle range in the ESC. We this “Throttle Calibration”

  1. Move the transmitter throttle stick to the upper most position. Turn on the transmitter power.
  2. Connect the ESC to the receiver throttle channel then connect the battery to the ESC. You should hear the ESC triggering the motor to have 4 single tones. Now, It is in the throttle calibration mode.
  3. Move the throttle stick to the low position for 2 seconds then you should hear the ESC triggering the motor to have one long and two short tones. It’s done!
  4. You can disconnect the battery and reconnect it to start using the ESC.
throttlecalibrationtowerpro.txt · Dernière modification : 19/08/2015 22:43 de

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